Anónimo #10173
Barrett Kosh is Back 2025
Under the control of the master Mr. Richard Poulden now Barrett Kosh is a slave having his nipples twisted round many times.
Anónimo #10174
What the fuck are you talking about niugga?
Who are those russianoids?
Anónimo #10177
This is Barrett Kosh the infamous ass opening minion of Count Richard Poulden, do you not know these men ? They are not Russian, Barrett Kosh is a dirty Australian from down under,, down under someones balls licking them that is to say !
Anónimo #10178
This Barrett Kosh I know from loads of posts the bastard put up on 4CHAN and 8KUN, KOSH is a meme legend on these forums, he deserves respect, here is an image I downloaded from 4CHAN years ago.
Anónimo #10179
Anónimo #10180
here, more from 4CHAn, Barrett Kosh active Neo Nazi, charming people.
Anónimo #10181
>>10180Hey gringo, could you like fuck off from out chan, no one gives a rat ass about your imaginary boyfriends
Anónimo #10193
Anónimo #10203
>>10181Que huevos de llamarle amigos imaginarios cuando el chan es puro "ventaneando versión pendejos que sólo yo conozco".
Anónimo #10204
este tipo Barrett Kosh es una verdadera tubería de alcantarillado!!
Anónimo #10206
>>10203Callese pinche chismosa >:v
Anónimo #10207
>>10203Callese pinche chismosa >:v
Anónimo #10208
Anónimo #10209
>>10206>>10207Había que shitpostearlo 2 veces, ¿Verdad?
Anónimo #10214
Que merda Barrett Kosh hijo de puta que claro !!
Anónimo #10289
Barrett Kosh que animal sucio.