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Anónimo #9284

Someone hacked me
I think i am being cyberstalked and someone has gained remote access to my laptop. It has happened 7 times since May, most recently this morning.
It's always the same shit: I turn on my laptop and for a few seconds i can hear a female voice speaking in what seems to be Finnish, but i'm not that sure, could be another language, the thing is i have no idea what she says, i can also hear paper rustling and more unintelligible voices in the background.
It freaks me out that someone might be spying on me, collecting data or even livestreaming me so i decided to put a tape on the cam just in case, kek.

Anónimo #9287

Kek learn proper grammar, dumbass.

AnónimoUnited States #9297

Fuck you

Anónimo #9299

>poorgentinian spic hidden behind a spanish vpn
Joke tells itself.

AnónimoColombia #9300

look up into your roof, it will be shiny rocks all around, these are planarian eggs used for gipsy wicthery. If the rocks are sort of blue it will last 3-4 weeks to hatch, then they turn gray.
Sometimes you might have strange dreams in which you get in a fight or see someone dead, you wont remember who you were fighting, your psique is rotting, the dead one in your dreams is you.

Anónimo #9301

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Lmao, that sounds like some hella schizo shit but thanks for the reply anyway buddy. It seems that my headset had accidentaly picked up some random radio signal and i was already freaking out over nothing.

AnónimoSpain #9302

Im spanish

Argentinas is better than meSHITco por indian Brown 3rd world monkey lmao

You are a nigger faggot and your mom IS a slave like ur Indian poorxican race


AnónimoUnited States #9303

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Anónimo #9305

Congratulations man, not even niggers are this braindead… and what's with all that butthurt over mexicans? They live rent free inside your poorgentinian head kek.
>im spanish
Yeah, you wish.

AnónimoSpain #9307

Shut up fucking monkey meshitkan

AnónimoColombia #9308


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